Join a network of creative minds and explore every aspect of the create process

Are you looking for a large network of independent musicians and bands to share and collaborate with? Music Match is a great resource or musicians of all styles to meet any creative goal you may have.

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Search through a wide array of independently produced music of all different types of genres.

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Explore & Connect

Explore a network of hundreds of artists from a wide array of genres.

Listen and provide feedback on there creations.
Participate in weekly contests by voting on your favorite weekly selection.
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Create new music using our online tools.

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Create your passion

The inspiration is endless at Musician Match

Collaborate with other members remotely or locally using the find a musician feature.
Create your new song by utilizing a user created sample


Share your music with a network of musicians

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Share what you create

Share what you create in realtime with your network

Create and request feedback and ratings for your new project!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Iusto expedita accusantium, illum, assumenda quidem nulla consectetur repudiandae sequi eum et a eaque quasi, corporis, harum cupiditate deleniti possimus dicta non!